What's happening? - nettTracker updates 26 November 2019

You may be thinking things have gone quiet at nettTracker HQ - Wrong! We’ve been gathering some fantastic feedback from some of our early adopters, and we are working on the following:

  • Easier set-up wizard

  • Ability to “split” assets

  • Ability to revalue assets

  • Create “parent and child” assets

  • Send a smaller journal to QuickBooks each month (totals from asset groups)

  • Auto-create all the year-end journals that will move additions etc to brought forward balances

We love all of the feedback, and we are using it to improve what we have. We are making nettTracker even easier to use, with all features that a robust fixed asset manager needs. Meaning accountants and bookkeepers will be able to work more efficiently, and remove the need to create another spreadhseet each year.