Merry Christmas from the nettTracker Team!

We received a list, we’ve checked it twice (in fact more than twice) and soon to be released will be the improved set-up wizard, and the ability to map accounts for year-end journals. Things that make nettTracker easier to use and will save accountants even more time.

We understand you will need to spend 15-20 minutes setting up nettTracker for a client file (the more you do the quicker this becomes). When nettTracker is in it’s second year of use, how much time do you need to spend on fixed assets - virtually nil!

Time spent adding assets to the fixed asset register - nil

Time spent calculating depreciation - nil

Time spent creating a depreciaton journal every month throughout the year - nil

Time spent reviewing the assets on the asset register - 2 minutes

Time spent closing the year and creating all journals dated the 1st day of financial year for the revised brought forward balances - nil

Other features are being worked on. Splitting assets and grouping assets with a parent/child relationship, the ability to revalue assets and consolidated journal entries (instead of detailed journals that relate to every asset). These features should be released late January / early February. We’d love to get the features to you sooner, but we don’t have enough elves!

In the meantime we’d like to wish all of our nettTracker customers and their families and friend a very Merry Christmas and very best wishes for 2020!