Updates - February 2021

We have been listening to customer feedback and working hard to improve nettTracker. Over the last few months we’ve released the following updates:-

  • Simplified mappings for disposals

  • Ability to delete prior year assets

  • Improvements to recategorised transactions

  • Introduction of double-decline depreciation

  • Ability to set date an asset is put into service

  • Option to defer depreciation

  • Improvements to the way that depreciation calculations are stored, which means there is now…..

  • Ability to edit depreciation rule against an asset at any time

  • Straight line depreciaiton can now be specified by a set number of months (as well as years)

  • Paging within the asset groups (speeds up the time pages load for 1,000+ assets)

  • A search function within each asset group

  • Option to change columns in view on the asset register

The above are highlighted in a short five minute video - see below.